Search Results

Results for "keyword: "altruism""
Your Goodness A meditation on rejoicing in your own goodness.
Secret An altruistic gift exercise.
Greed – the Root of All Social Injustice A prayer to be selfless and to live for Allah.
Delight in Positive Deeds Finding joy in your spiritual endeavors.
Birthday of Leonard Bernstein Honoring the life of one of the first American conductors to receive worldwide acclaim.
Altruistic Joy A guided meditation to foster happiness, gladness, delight, and generosity.
Altruistic Love A meditation on wishing the best for yourself and all beings.
A Prayer for Children A community prayer to welcome children into our hearts and offer them our help.
Rejoicing in Inner Goodness and Altruistic Deeds A call to pause and consciously recognize the joy inherent in each altruistic act.
Uplifting and Settling the Mind with Altruistic Joy A meditation on the benefits of truly altruistic intent.